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Talk from the Town: Narrogin Elders to share their stories
Talk from the Town Narrogin Elders to share their stories Narrogin’s senior citizens sought to share wisdom with the town. ARtS Narrogin have secured funding to engage multi-platform theatre company The Kabuki Drop in an exciting community art project to engage local seniors sharing their personal stories via theatre performance ...
Landscapes escape from a locked room
Landscapes escape from a locked room A substantial collection of artworks donated to the Town of Narrogin by Peter Taylor in 2015 will go on public display for the first time on Saturday, 30 April. The paintings, drawings and etchings were collected by Peter’s late wife, Carol, for the most ...
Stories Off The Wall! Project Fund Success
Stories Off The Wall! Project Fund Success In March this year ARtS Narrogin put together a grant application for the Country Arts WA Project Fund. Entitled ‘Stories off the Wall!’ the project aimed to provide local artists with professional development and mentoring during the design and production phases of a ...