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Mama Stitch

September 9 @ 6:30 pm 8:30 pm

Friday 9 & Saturday 10 September 2022
Doors open 6.30pm for pre-show tea & toast. Licensed Bar available.
Show starts 7.30pm (duration 60 minutes)

Narrogin Reception Centre, 82 Federal Street Narrogin WA

$25 Adult | $22 Concession | $20 Member | $15 Student
(Recommended ages 15+)

FREE BUSES from Pingelly and Wagin, departing 6pm Friday. Book your free bus seat alongside your show ticket, to go in the draw to win 1 of 6 $50 Narrogin Chamber of Commerce Vouchers

Content warnings: Please be advised this performance includes mild coarse language. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders should be advised that the show contains stories and images about people who are deceased.


Mama Stitch is a storytelling experience, celebrating Mums in all their imperfections, challenges and triumphs. A cross section of people from the community are interviewed, ranging in age, experience and background. These interviews are edited and presented as “Headphone Verbatim” (meaning the actor wears headphones and delivers the text as they hear them, live, without embellishment).

Each story is live scored by our band Kettlefish, with an original and unique musical response. The work is intimate; performed in galleries, foyers and community spaces. We invite the audience into the space with toast and tea (we bake fresh bread for each show in the space) so the atmosphere is warm and welcoming. At the end of each show we invite the audience to write an anonymous letter to their own mum that we display in the space. That way, the space and set are continually built as more people engage with it.

A must see. Georgia King is incredible to watch as she voices different stories about mothers. Funny and poignant.

– Annette Carmichael, Albany

I was fortunate to attend the ‘Mama Stitch’ performance at Joondalup and was one of the subjects. What a
wonderful concept! The performance piece was so well done and so
entertaining at the same time. Very cleverly done and most enjoyable!

– Aly May, DLGSC


FREE COMMUNITY BUSES from Pingelly & Wagin.

If travelling from these towns, we encourage you to book a bus seat alongside your tickets. Supporting this initiative will help us in future funding applications to provide more buses! 

Buses will depart from (and return to) the following towns: 

  • Pingelly – Departing PRACC 6pm Friday
  • Wagin – Departing Cottage Homes at 6pm Friday

These buses are made possible by grant funding from the Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund, which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia.